emerging from the earth

emerging from the earth,
6×8 inches, mixed media

Words read:
emerging from the earth mineral
taste still in my mouth
stones in my throat
twigs in my hair
fire in my eye

This piece incorporates an old record sleeve, a photo I took, masking tape, book tape, thread, paint, and graphite. In a workshop several years ago with L.K. Ludwig, she gaves us old record albums to make a book out of. My record sleeves I made never actually made it into a book, but rather became covers of journals. You can see one here and here. This was the last one I had in my stash. I’m glad that this last record sleeve finally found its purpose. This panel will be later bound into a journal.


I am grateful for the thoughtful comments people have left for me in my recent post about balance. It is always helpful and comforting to hear from other women about their experiences. It seems to be a bit of a juggling act. Multi-tasking is not my strongest trait. I can do it, sure, but it’s very draining too.Leah Piken Kolidas recently posted a link to this documentary called Who Does She Think She Is about women artists. I really want to see it. There are women who can do it all and I am amazed by them. Me? Well, I can do my best to do what I can when I can. I think I’m ok with that.


  1. This pic is stunning. You have really inspired me to learn encaustic…. someone else told me about that documentary in the last week because i was also talking about balance in my own blog….

    I struggle with balance in a BIG way… 2 small kids, plus a house to run, plus creativity plus a career…. One day at a time!

  2. A wonderful piece, Bridgette! The opening from the album sleeve looks to me like a portal into another world. It invites me to travel.
    So many lovely textures to look at and what an empowering poem.

  3. beautiful work, as always!

    i’m not sure about people who do it all. i guess it depends on what you call “all.” i think you do it all! it seems like there’s always more we want to do, never enough time. don’t beat yourself up though. you’re doing an amazing job as a mom and artist!! xoxo

    i really want to see the movie too. wish i could watch it with you!

  4. You’ve inspired me to try encaustic this weekend. I’ve had the wax sitting in my supply cupboard – now it’s time to give it a try. Your journal pages are wonderful…

  5. beautiful words and art. wow…the line—stones in my throat…love that.

    and i think i need to see that movie…some days i do alright with the juggling but most i am dropping one ball or another…


  6. There’s something about your work that really appeals to me. Not sure what it is but I think it’s the feelings within each piece…or the emotions that each painting evokes. Beautiful!I particularly love “emerging from the earth”…and the title.

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