
Grace is an oil painting of a cloud and a treetop by Bridgette Guerzon Mills
Bridgette Guerzon Mills | Grace, oil, 16×20 inches, available in my online shop

Finally got a decent shot of this painting that I finished earlier this week. My 14 year old daughter and I have an inside joke where whenever I show her a finished landscape, her first response is always, “you know what would make this better? Clouds. More clouds”.

So when I showed her this one, I said, “Look, a big humongous cloud!” She said that I should name it after her since I finally took her advice after all these years. So I am. It fits too.

I always continue the painting on the edges of my landscapes. Never do on my encaustic mixed media. Mostly because those always get framed. This painting can also be framed of course. A nice deep float frame would be lovely, but not necessary!

I really am loving paintings of sky and treetops lately. I will be switching back to encaustic soon. But maybe I have one more sky and treetops painting in me before the switch. Hmmm…

I haven’t signed this painting yet and feel reluctant to. I always put my signature BGMills on all my pieces. Sometimes though I feel like it’ll distract. And I’m feeling that with this one. But I’ll end up doing it soon. Probably bottom right corner. I always wonder if other people feel this way about the finishing signature.


  1. Yes I feel that way about my signature a lot of the time. I always put it off and sometimes I forget to do it

  2. yeah, then I see other paintings and see a bright big signature and I’m like, oh, ok, it’s ok! But those are usually big paintings. Maybe it’s when the paintings are under a certain size that I hesitate. thanks for sharing your experience too!

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