hold fast to dreams

Hold fast to dreams
For if dreams die
Life is a broken-winged bird
That cannot fly…

~Langston Hughs

hold fast to dreams
mixed media, 6×6 inches

Been thinking a lot about my dreams. Not the sleeping kind. I will hold onto my dreams even if they are not for Now. Or if I only do bits of it here and there. And I am happy with that and wouldn’t change a thing. But still, I will hold onto my dreams. For what is life without desire?


Check out this week’s journaling tip over at the amanobooks.com blog. U.K. artist Vivien Blackburn has been so kind to share one of her books over there. I have several links over there that will link to her fabulous work. I love getting to sneak peeks into her sketchbooks. I have been writing some journaling tips that deal with creativity. Hope it is helpful amd gets you journaling!


  1. Thanks Jean, Ann and Beth.

    Beth-I’m doing well, hope you are too! Life must be pretty hectic right now for you all. Hope everything is going smoothly.

  2. Beautiful painting… I can SEE that bird dreaming! Thanks for bringing art to creation, it is a gift to us all. And, I have written that quote down in my journal… it’s beautiful and one of the most important things I want to impart to my children as they become independent beings in this world.

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