innate, maybe

innate, encaustic, 6×6 inches

I am not totally set on the title for this one yet. This little piece was one of my experiments in Patricia Seggebruch’s workshop last week. It involved using fire! Well, a small propane torch, like the ones you can use in the kitchen for creme brulee. I was a little nervous with the new tool as I’ve never used one before and at one point Patricia had to remind me that I was getting a bit too close to the paper on the table. oops.

The circular blobs reminded me of biology and the cell structures that comprise life. Instructions to build and create life that are hardwired into our cells. Hence the title “Innate”.

Last week Karen Michel tagged me to tell seven things about myself. So here I go.

1. I have a wonderful out of control garden brimming with life, yet any potted plant that comes through my door will most likely die unless my husband rescues it from me. Potted plants see me and just wilt. 🙁

2. Not only do I have a dog, but I also have a barrel of worms to take care of. They compost my veggie scraps. I love my wormies.

3. I can touch my nose with my tongue.

4. My mom made me take xylophone lessons in kindergarten. I was really embarrassed.

5. I am afraid of heights. Happened out of the blue one day when I was rock climbing and I got stuck and freaked out. Never again.

6. I love swimming. It’s very meditative for me.

7. I love to sing, but am terrible. Really. So I only sing around family members. Until they tell me to stop.


  1. love this!! i would be nervous working with fire too, so i don’t blame you. but what a cool outcome! is the bird a collage element? are you working on wood?

  2. This is your most fabulous encaustic yet! Love the colors and the marbled appearance. Paula is working on getting Patricia down here to teach. Hopefully later this summer! WOOT!
    I can’t sing either – I only sing for Will and Katie.

  3. what a cool circular pattern! i really love this piece. And you used a propane torch? Oh my! 🙂 what an interesting class that must have been.
    I am afraid of heights too…i can’t sing either!

  4. Thanks Leah, Raine and Tricia for sharing your thoughts here!

    Leah- I added the crow after laying down several layers of pigmented wax. And this piece was created on clayboad. I do work on wood often though.

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