makin’ it happen


This weekend I was invited to show a few of my encaustic paintings with Perfical Sense Studio at what looks to be a fun, artsy block party. I’ll be there Friday night and Saturday, so if you’re in the area, stop by!

Makin’ it Happen in Evanston’s West Village.
Dates and Times: Friday May 20, 5:00 – 9:00
and Saturday May 21, 10:00 – 4:00

Set in Evanston Plaza at the southwest corner of Dempster Street and Dodge Avenue, the Makin’ It Happen in the West Village festival will have a block party feel and take place both inside available retail spaces and outside in the parking lot facing Dodge. A celebration of dancing, music, art and more, the event will give people the chance to meet and greet merchants and neighbors in this vibrant community.

I think there’s even going to be fire performers! I’m looking forward to it.

I am also so happy to share that Carmen Torbus has recently had her book published, “The Artist Unique: Discovering Your Creative Signature Through Inspiration and Techniques”. I believe it was in 2009 I received an email from her asking me to contribute some work and some of my thoughts on my process to her book. I was honored to be asked and happy to contribute. Thanks Carmen!

Quiet Spirit
7×5 inches

This is one of the encaustic pieces I created for Carmen, not sure if it made it in the book or not as I sent her two paintings. I haven’t yet seen the book, but hopefully will get one in my hands soon! Oh, and I framed this little piece and I will have it hanging at the festival this weekend.


  1. The Art Block Party sounds like a terrific concept…I predict you’ll have a blast and meet many new admirers of your work.

    Kudos on the Torbus project too…I have heard that the book is actually very lovely and well done so I know you will be ever so proud to have been included…my copy hasn’t arrived yet but is on its way.

    ‘Quiet Spirit’ is.


  2. looks like a great celebration of community and art. end of the year school stuff is going on friday & sat but may get to pop in : ) have fun and i’ll keep my fingers crossed for sunshine and warm temps!

  3. oh, i so wish i lived in the area so i could stop by, sounds delicious…
    carmens book is out? very cool, i will have to check it out…

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