
melted, mixed media, 5×7 inches

I made this panel with the mindset of binding it into a journal cover, since my mixed media journal section of is woefully empty. But the thing is, my current journal only has a few more pages left….and this panel that I just made the other day is telling me that it needs to stay with me. Practical side says that it needs to be offered on the site. If I had tons more journals available, this wouldn’t be an issue. hmmmm.

I told Suzanne when I was down in Florida that I was done with birds and that I was going back to my trees and landscapes. I meant it when I said it, but I just finished a few pieces recently and there are three birds in the group of them. I guess I’m not done yet.

The words in the panel reads: my heart is like wax, melted

This is from a Psalm that reverberated in me when I ran across it reading a book by Ruth Ozeki.

I am poured out like water,
and all my bones are out of joint;
my heart is like wax;
it is melted within my breast;

Psalm 22:14

This reading of it is actually the best I think. I’ve seen it using the word bowels instead of breast, which sounds icky to me. Breast is definitely more poetic.

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