monotype print workshop

gone to seed, monotype print, 6×9 inches
I ventured out today to take a 4 hour monoprint workshop with Doris Mosler at her studio near Phinney Ridge. I had seen her artwork at the Fremont Sunday Farmers Market and have even bought a print from her. I really love her work a lot so I was really excited that I squeezed into this class last minute.
I have never done monotype prints before and I wasn’t sure what to expect. I really enjoyed it. A lot. Which means big trouble for me…something new to get addicted to.
We used leaves, seed pods, and other odds and ends from her garden. For this print I used a meshy net that a fellow student gave me. This is actually a ghost print. I tended to like m ghost prints better than the original print.


  1. I think this is gorgeous. It is so simple yet full of incredible flavour. You really are a wonderful artist. I shall be checking back often to see more of your work. Thank you. I am inspired more now to check out the print workshops that the council offers. Shame you are not near by! Let me know if you decide to sell one of these prints – I’d love one.
    Thanks, too, for inspiring me Bridgette. I am so glad to have discovered your site! Bless you.

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