more on the expecting exhibit

Here are some more photos of the work hanging at Fifth Avenue Art Gallery. I just got word that so far 18 paintings have sold! I couldn’t have hoped for a better beginning to the show. I am so glad that the paintings are finding new homes.

wall of minis

encaustic corner

some more encaustics

You can see what is still available at Fifth Avenue Art Gallery Online Exhibit.

Now to get back to work…

Although I am anxious to get back into the studio, feeling some hesitation. I have plenty of things that I am wanting to tackle. I think I am just feeling tired. Maybe though once I start, I will feel re-energized. That is what usually happens. Often when I get into ruts or not even ruts, but not spending as much time painting, I spend a lot of time in the kitchen. I just cook and bake and pour over recipes. That is all I want to do right now. It could also just be the cool fall weather. Something about the crispness in the air just makes me want to be in the kitchen baking bread or making soup.

But I know that when I do get back into the studio, time will cease to exist. My thoughts become filled with color and form and words trickle though my mind and sometimes drop onto the canvas.



  1. well done!!!! and well deserved – the work looks great

    I think we need these quiet times after intensive bouts of painting. I know I do.

  2. Wow Bri! I love the paintings individually, but grouped like that- holy cow! What a great visual feast! I wish I could see it in person. You should be proud.
    I agree with the previous comment. I know I need time to recover from intense bouts of anything.

  3. They all look so beautiful!

    I’m the same about cooking – it seems to be my other creative outlet. It’s interesting because I’ve read some interviews with chefs and when asked what they’d be if they weren’t chefs, the answer is often artists! And I know of at least one couple that decided to support their graphic arts business by starting a catering business, and that ended up being their primary business.

  4. Wow! Congrats on all of your success however I am not surprised one bit! Find all of the pieces both on your blog and their website fantastic! Thanks for sharing pics of your exhibition. Loved seeing them hung together. So much feeling and emotion!

  5. Thanks for posting the gallery photos; it does all look so impressive together like that. And, congratulations on the sales!! Wow! Fantastic!
    Enjoy your quiet time, you down time, your re-fueling time. Fall does do that, doesn’t it? I’ve had the urge to bake cookies and banana bread this week. I think cooking and gardening are art forms too as they are creative processes just like the visual and performing arts are.

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