my bowl
8×8 inches
Yesterday morning I got some painting time in before the big game. I’m not a huge football fan, nor do I particularly care for yesterday’s teams, but getting together with friends and eating chili and a variety of dips is always a plus. I made this artichoke dip and it is one of my favorite dips to make for gatherings. So good, especially if you like a little kick to your food.
But anyway, I am so glad I got some painting time in as I was able to find a resolution for the first bowl painting sparked by a Raymond Carver poem. I have several going right now, not just in encaustic, but also acrylics. All in various stages.
I look at this bowl now and I wonder if it’s full or empty. I feel there is a fullness to the space inside the bowl. Emptiness is not necessarily a negative…maybe it is a readiness. A space, a vessel, waiting and ready to be filled.
Yes, Bridgette! Maybe the emptiness is simply readiness. I will keep that thought in mind.
I’m loving your beautiful bowls!
Bridgette that last paragraph really spoke to me – love your artwork but more love the possibility of what’s to come for your bowl.
This is wonderful..I love the words you wrote also,
I love your bowl.
Years ago I invested much time and exploration on the bowl form and the zen zone of the empty space within.
I composed this little code to go along with that extensive series:
that opened up a whole new space.
I love bowls and chairs. And I LOVE all your bowl paintings Bridgette!!
I have a book suggestion for anyone who loves bowls.
It’s called EVERYDAY SACRED by Sue Bender.
I agree…. Not emptiness but anticipation and welcoming space. Well said! Your bowl series is speaking to me, Bridgette.
Thank you everyone! I’m enjoying painting these bowls.
Donna- I think I figured out your code…I think! 🙂
Carole-Thank you so much for the book recommendation. I will check it out!
Images of bowls hold a HUGE place in my work–I find them irresistible. This one is particularly appealing.
An opening for magic to pour into.
Bridgette- love this different color palette….spring. 🙂
Thank you for sharing a lovely bowl. I also like the antiquated effects around the objects seen in many of your works.
Nice work. Glad I found you. I’m your newest follower 🙂
Looking forward to see what’s next.
Your post reminds me that nothing is ever empty and with the right frame of mind, everything can be filled to the brim!
so lovely.
are you familiar with Joan Schulze’s tea bowl series?
I love your bowl pieces- and that Raymond Carver poem is wonderful.