my garden and wax

I have a crazy overgrown cottage garden in front of my house. I used to be a lot better at making it not seem too out of control. Lately though my garden has kind of taken a back seat to everything else that I have to do. And as all gardeners know, gardens don’t wait around until it can fit into your schedule. So this weekend I will have to tackle it and tame the jungle. Somehow.

But my garden provides me and the passersbys with wild beauty. I often see people stop and look. I wonder though if they’re thinking “what crazy person lives there?” Which is very possible. I like that I actually see people stopping to smell the roses. That makes me smile.

My garden also provides me with inspiration, especially for my latest encaustic pieces. For the month of June I have been given a wall at my neighborhood Starbucks to hang 10-12 pieces. I decided to go with my nature themed encaustics. I have finished 8 so far. So, 2-4 more is very doable in the time that is left. I feel a lot better today than I did earlier this week.

Here is a sampling of the works that will hang next month.

Grow, encaustic, 12×12 inches

ancient, encaustic, 12×12

I will try to post some of the other ones hopefully next week.


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