Nite Art Owls

“Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much”- Helen Keller

I belong to a team called Nite Art Owls and the brains behind this team is DJ Berger. He wrote up a post over on tumblr on what the Nite Art Owls have been up to and he kindly is letting me repost it here.

Another book I've been working on with my water damaged images and images from my water damaged journals. Title: Container for my Grief #wip #bookart #mixedmediaart #encaustic

~from dj berger’s tumblr post:

nite owls in fall, and what they’ve been up to (from top to bottom) …

bridgette’s moved into her new studio, even while channelling the water-damaged works from the first

susan has been working and teaching and exhibiting in her own new gallery and studio, bringing that new space to life

annamaria has been perfecting the art of watercolour, one illuminated day at a time

merle continues to photograph the regions of the traveller through the fantastic and unreal

while I always look forward to fall, with its elegant, rust-coloured death and whole new universe of darkness


So, the Nite Art Owls team is:

A small team of part-time artists with full-time ambition, doing the best work we can in the hours left over, dedicated to helping each other in a meaningful way.

We make original art that people can afford.

Also: owls are cool.

When DJ invited me to be part of the team, I loved the premise of the team. And I really am a Nite Art Owl. For the past 6 years I have for the most part been working at night after I put my kids to sleep. In the past two years though as I have taken on more deadlines and work and shows, and so I have gotten help during the day here and there to help with maintaining my sanity and health! But night time is my time. I love what he wrote about the group “Doing the best work we can in the hours left over”. Yup. I would say that describes a lot of us.

Annamaria created a treasury called “Let’s Stay Home Tonight” and I am honored to have one of my paintings included in it. I’m looking forward to getting more involved with the team as soon as I get caught up on the work that has been postponed these past months. Getting there…….


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