notes to self and an art auction

studio table 04.05.24

Quiet here as there just never seems to be enough time to get in my head space that I need to get into in order to write. But I have been creating. The above photo is a picture I took eariler this month when I was working on a piece that I just shipped out this week for a show in Michigan. The note I wrote to myself on my table says: there is a desire in us for stories.

I heard that in a podcast while I was working on the piece and I had to make note of that because a) the piece I was working on is about stories and what we pass on and b) that is something I think about a lot. It is part of what makes us human I think. The need for meaning making and we do it through visual means, oral, written, music, dance.

My last post I wrote about creativity and I posted a link to it on my Instagram and Judy Shreve left a comment that I thought was wonderful. I’m paraphrasing here, but this is the gist- there are so many ways of being creative in this world, not just one, and it is definitely not just relegated to the arts. What makes someone an artist is not about just about being creative, but that an artist processes the world and information differently and then uses a medium to express that process. She wrote, “An artist must communicate and the language process is just well – different.” (my italics) I loved how she put it.

I guess what I’m saying is, these past two months I have been more in the making mode of expression rather than the writing mode. Or it could also be that I’m tired and pulled in different directions, like everyone else, and you just have to prioritize things. Maybe both.

I do have a fun show announcement to share. There is a gallery/organization in Baltimore called Maryland Art Place and every year they do a fundraiser where you can bring a piece of art and put it on the wall, salon style. The show is called Out of Order and this is the 27th year that they’ve been doing it. There will be tons of different artwork on the walls and there will be a virtual silent auction. Even if you are present at the reception, you bid virtually. And if you’re not there, you can still bid!

Bridgette Guerzon Mills | The Fox, encaustic mixed media, 8×8 inches

Maryland Art Place | Out of Order

218 West Saratoga Street, Baltimore, MD

Reception: Friday, April 19th, 6-10 pm

To bid on artwork, you do need to register, which you can do here and I believe the bidding is only during the reception hours. If you are local and planning to attend, you do have to purchase a ticket to enter (this is a fundraiser!) and parking is available at the parking garage across the street.

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