nourishment and sustenance

Nourishment, oil and mixed media, 20×16 inches

Sustenance, oil and mixed media, 12 x12 inches

These two oil and mixed media paintings are both for my upcoming show in Melbourne, Florida at the Fifth Avenue Art Gallery for the month of October. For those of you who have been reading my journal for several months know that this is what I have been preparing for. The show is called “Expecting: explorations in mixed media” and the paintings encompass my exploration of my pregnancy.

From day one of being aware of my pregnancy I knew that my body had become a vessel. The vehicle through which a life was being formed. The bowl became a symbol of this idea. When I painted these two paintings, however, I had already gone through the pregnancy as well as the complications that had ensued during the third trimester. The complications had to do with my uterus and its ability to provide my son with the nutrients he needed to grow. It still hurts my heart to think about that. But because of what we went through, the metaphor of vessel became even more important to me. Creating these paintings have helped me through all the heartache and to celebrate the miracle of my healthy child.

These two paintings will hang together on one of the walls. I am almost done mapping it all out! I can’t believe it’s just around the corner…


  1. I adore this one. It is a perfect metaphor for pregnancy. Isn’t it amazing, what our bodies do? I had a placental abruption and didn’t know it. My little guy is sort of a miracle. Then again, they all are.

  2. thanks Cheryl! I appreciate your comment and sharing your own experience. You are right, we are all miracles. But I think that when there are problems, that fact hits us even harder and makes us appreciate even more the wonder of it all. Thanks again.

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