on journaling

stack of my journals, ’04-’09

Just a quick announcement that I will be posting a journaling tip every Tuesday over at the amanobooks.com blog. I am by no means a “journaling expert”, but I have been keeping a journal since I was in grade school and it makes me happy to share what I do. There have been periods where a year would go by without any entries, but there was always a journal on hand in case I ever wanted to write something down.

In my journals, I am a writer. That may seem like a “duh” statement, but with all the visual journalers out there, I feel like I have to specify. But between pages and pages of writing, I also have visual journal entries, which are usually accompanied with writing. Like I said, I am a writer. So, most of my prompts will be geared towards writing, but if relevant, I will also post visual journaling tips too.

So, check it out if you ever feel like you need a prompt or an idea!

I also thought of showcasing other people’s visual journal pages if they are relevant to the topic. If you are interested, please email me at bridgette @ amanobooks.com.


  1. I figured your journals were mostly visual, so that made things clearer. I like the idea of there being lots of space for writing. The writing part of a journal is so grounding. I’ll check out those tips, thanks.

  2. I love to do visual journaling (I’m just getting started at it, though) but, like you, I am a writer so each visual page I do has much of my writing in it, too. I’m excited to see your prompts and have subscribed to that blog, too. Thanks bunches!
    Peace & Love,

  3. What a great idea, Bridgette! And I’ll definitely be checking out those tips.

    It’s actually kind of a relief that you said you’re mostly a writer when you journal. I’ve been feeling a little guilty that I find that to be true of myself as well.

  4. great idea bridgette and as usual your photo is beautiful….if i ever change my mind about journaling you’ll be my first call!

    ps…i found the tool to cut the small round holes in the back of my blocks and they look great…

  5. How fun.

    I have been keeping a journal sine I was 12, so I understand the ebb and flow of journal keeping. I feel that it is time to get back into things so I will be checking this out.

  6. I, too, have been journaling (and writing) since I was a child – and that’s a long, long time ago! Only recently have I started to make visual journals – indeed, I keep and make different types of journals for different topics.

  7. This is amazing! You continually do that – put out stuff that’s just amazing. It doesn’t even have to be artwork! LOL!

    As a non-journaler (I have finally accepted the fact) I am absolutely awestruck when I see/read what journalers do. Y’all are incredible!

    🙂 Debi

  8. I happen to stumble across you blog and the link you posted for amanobooks.com blog.. i’m so diggen on those. I recently started an art journal but have been journaling for years (writing) but i’m so loven the art journals, now that i’ve been scrappen for quite some time, I never realized how the two would go hand in hand.. LOL

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