On my studio table

“To do anything very well you have to ‘allow’ (not to force, not to make ) yourself do it, and the way to do that is to do it over and over again, so that you teach your body how to do it and it becomes second nature – you don’t have to think about it anymore.” -Ron Monsma


Stealing moments here and there. Working on some larger paintings, getting one of my deadlines crossed off, working on another deadline. Attempting to answer emails and get my calendar in order. September always seems to me to be a time that could better be called “The Great Re-Organization”. That includes family, house, and yard. Life, really. I have been spending a lot of time digging around in the dirt and shaping the little corner of the earth that we live on and call home. I have always felt happiest with my hands in the earth. Autumn is coming and I cannot wait.

work in progress

detail of a work in progress

The act of creating for me is much like a state of being. Something that comes easily the more I am immersed in it. The longer I stay away from the studio, the tougher it is to get back into the swing of things. Where did I leave off? What am I doing? Where am I headed? Even the dreaded “What’s the Point?” at times. But I am not going to get worked up about it. Everything has its time, ups and downs, action and lulls. The important thing is to keep showing up.

work in progress

detail of a work in progress

Starting tomorrow, I will be getting into a more routine studio schedule. Hopefully I can shake off the cobwebs.


I recently received my copy of Encaustic Revelation: Cutting-Edge Techniques from the Masters of Encausticamp by Patricia Seggebruch. This book recounts the Encausticamp experience and each chapter was written by each of the instructors. Although I have not been able to attend the past two years, Patricia invited me to be part of the book and to write a chapter on one of my techniques on incorporating encaustic with book art. I wrote the chapter on making a book out of plaster gauze, so if you’ve ever been curious, it’s all stepped out. Each chapter has a unique take on incorporating wax with different media and different approaches. It is an honor to have contributed to the book just as it has been an honor to be part of the experience. There is a really wonderful energy that permeates the week of EncaustiCamp, which I think comes through in this book.

book in progress


  1. Your work is gorgeous! I can’t wait to see the finished painting. I have always been in love with your plaster books!

  2. It is lovely to visit you here Bridgette, and to see your beautiful work. And I will look for the book, it sounds fabulous.
    Have a wonderful Autumn,

  3. Oh yes your work is so beautiful and inspirational! Congratulations on the book – I will definitely look for it. Enjoy the fall and getting your hands dirty both in the dirt, and in the studio. I absolutely agree the longer I am out of the studio the harder it is to have the creativity flow.

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