on my studio table


Been quiet here, but I’ve been working steadily on my to-do list and getting things crossed off. Working on a commissioned journal and made a breakthrough with that this morning. Grateful for that. Painting abstracted landscape studies once a week outside and observing the movement of light. And stealing moments for dreaming up certain possibilities, and perhaps impossibilities too, like what I have pictured above.

“You will have to experiment and try things out for yourself and you will not be sure of what you are doing. That’s all right, you are feeling your way into the thing.” -Emily Carr


  1. Quiet and work will help with that do-to list!
    Exploring and experimenting are my favorite parts of the art process. Your quote is very timely. I’m about to go to my first quena (flute) lesson, in Spanish (which I am learning) and in a foreign country (Ecuador).
    “I am not sure of what I am doing…” as Emily Carr says.
    Thank you for sharing your art and process.

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