paint + glue

I just finished a custom blank journal, and the images above are details from the cover. For this book, she didn’t want me to do my typical mixed media cover as she is planning to add her own art to the cover. So I told her that I would just put some papers down and some paint to get her started. She told me the colors and that there was going to be a music theme for this journal, but that was it.

It was actually fun and kind of freeing to work “abstractly”. Don’t know if that’s the right word. Because it’s not an abstract, it just has no idea/concept behind it. I guess it is more designerly. Ok, not sure if that’s even a word. Anyway, what I mean is, it was a very different process than how I normally work and I really enjoyed it. Just played with color and scraps of paper that I have lying around. I wonder what it will look like after she has added her own touch to it. Hopefully she’ll stay in touch and send me a picture of what she does with it later. Sometimes customers do that with my journals. It’s nice. I like to hear back about the books that I’ve let go out into the big wide world.


  1. hey Bri,
    I miss seeing you around LJ. I have a new journal and have you on my f’list==please go find me and add me back 😀 I’m going to add your blog to mine so I can keep up with all this fantastic art you are making.


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