Paths Between Worlds

Encaustic mixed media "Paths Between Worlds" by Bridgette Guerzon Mills
Bridgette Guerzon Mills | Paths Between Worlds, encaustic mixed media,
11 1/2 x 5 3/4 inches

Working on a series with birds in flight, I knew I needed to create one with this crow image. I’ll never forget the moment that I captured that moment of flight. But it took me a while to figure this one out. I scraped away and started over a few times. Then I had a couple days off from the studio and when I had my next studio day, working on this piece was on my task list. Walking to the studio I thought to myself- where do I want this piece to go….and my thought was well, I want it to be a piece that would delight my spirit if I saw it up somewhere.

I entered the studio, held the piece in my hand…and then it came to me. A friend that lives on many acres in wooded Maine had kindly sent me a box of nature bits that she had picked up from her land. She sent it to me during that month where the postal service was basically stopped and it took over a month to get to me! Considering it was a surprise, it was delight to receive her box of generosity, no matter how long it took. Anyway, this box had been sitting by my studio table since then and it didn’t take me very long to pull this piece of bark that was just perfect.

It made me think of portals. In late winter/early spring when I would venture out on some local nature walks and out into the general world I kept taking photos of things that reminded me of portals. And birds, especially crows, are seen as messengers. Aside from metaphors though, birds to me are such a perfect symbol of being of the sky and of the earth, between two worlds. I suppose if it’s a water bird, then between three worlds would fit as well!

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