patterns often overlooked

patterns overlooked
patterns often overlooked, encaustic on cradled wood, 6×6 inches

This piece has been almost done for a few weeks now. I only found time today to finish it. All it needed was a smudge of oil stick and a wipe off of the rag to call it done.

The image is of one of those wild plants that is probably some sort of weed. I don’t know what it is. But I thought it was beautiful. Finding beauty in what is often overlooked is a trait for us creative types. Although I imagine that if this plant were growing rampant in my garden and I had to take care of it, then maybe I wouldn’t be so generous in my assesment.

We were able to update amanobooks with 5 new mixed media blank journals today. I have a few more mixed media panels in the making. I don’t know when those will be done. But at least they are started!


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