
This Monday morning, I’m thinking about perseverance. Waking up, consuming the latest updates of craziness in the world and I think about this word, perseverance. Thinking about all the demands that we have on ourselves in terms of keeping up with our work and our home and our health. Heading into my studio to create work that speaks to my belief systems in a way that will speak to others, I think of this word. Sometimes it is difficult to keep the motivation up. Deadlines help. But sometimes not. I read a great article this morning from about Breaking through blocks: 10 ways to reclaim your practice. I have a daily routine and schedule, but I still found this article insightful and thought I’d share in case anyone else find themselves faltering. Even with a daily routine and schedule and working towards deadlines, it is still necessary to find ways to keep the motivation going, as it is with all things we do.

Often when I see birds going about their business, I think of this word as well. The stamina they have, the things they do to create their homes, feed their young, ensure their survival. I guess all living creatures do this, humans just have the capacity to ruminate on it more. And some of us, more than others.

Persevere,persist and always move forward. This will be my mantra today.


Perseverance, encaustic mixed media, 5×7 inch panel, mounted and framed in an 8×10 inch black frame,
available at Lark and Key

sold Lark and Key

“You may encounter many defeats, but you must not be defeated. In fact, it may be necessary to encounter the defeats, so you can know who you are, what you can rise from, how you can still come out of it.” – Maya Angelou


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