Playing with Fire

“Spirit, Lead the Way”
encaustic and mixed media
14×11 inches

I am happy to announce that this encaustic painting, as well as Born of Earth and Bone are on exhibit at the Tubac Center of the Arts in Arizona in the “Playing with Fire” exhibit.

March 18 – May 1
Reception, Friday, March 18, 5-7pm
Walkthrough with juror Barbara Rogers, Friday, March 18, 4:30-5pm

I wish I could be there, not only to soak in some southwest desert sun, but to hang out out a dear art friend from my Seattle days, Karon Leigh who also left the Pacific Northwest around the time my family and I left. But I will be here in Chicago trying to recover from whatever crazy bug that’s out there.

For the past two weeks my family and myself have been beseiged with this cold/sickness/plague. One after the other, we all have been taken over with fever, cough and congestion. Hopefully we are finally on the mend. Taking care of sick chldren while you yourself are sick is tough and I have been laying low, trying to recover. Hopefully I’ll be back soon with something new to share! Thanks for all the lovely comments left for me in regards to my bowl.

I have another Raymond Carver quote to share:

“And did you get what
you wanted from this life, even so?
I did.
And what did you want?
To call myself beloved, to feel myself
beloved on the earth.”

“Late Fragment”
Raymond Carver

When I read that the other day, it made me want to weep and dance and holler at the same time. I believe it was the last thing he wrote before he passed away.


  1. Be well Sweet One…

    I felt the same way about your qotes poem:

    When I read that the other day, it made me want to weep and dance and holler at the same time.

    I do believe I will open the Heart Work Retreat with those fabulous words…what a beautiful way to signal the passing away of the twelve months now past and the coming of the new Natural Year:

    “And did you get what
    you wanted from this life, even so?
    I did.
    And what did you want?
    To call myself beloved, to feel myself
    beloved on the earth.”

    Yes. and Yes again…there’s nothing more to being here than to share this with one another.

    be well.

  2. Sorry to hear you all have been so sick. Hope things are looking up for you and your family.

    Tomorrow I head to the library to find a Raymond Carver book. Thanks for sharing his words.

  3. Beautiful piece – continue to love your work. I have you listed as a MindSieve “Pick” on my blogsite along with another favorite artist – Leslie Avon Miller. Keep up the good work!

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