poppies, oil and mixed media, 8×8 inches
The festival is over and I sold a few prints and cards, but not my larger paintings. That’s alright though, that just means that the right person for them just wasn’t there. I spoke to the head of the committee who runs the art show section of the festival and I offered my services to be part of her committee for next year’s show. They all work so hard and it’s all volunteer. And I’m thinking that it’s time for me to shrug off my hermit qualities and be part of things around me. Now as a mother I am realizing how important community is. Before I didn’t care so much. I’ve always been a solitary type- happy with my husband, my sisters, the few but good quality friends that I have, my art. I’m still the same, but with a few adjustments.

While catching up on blogs today I saw that I had been nominated as a Rockin’Girl Blogger by Deryn Mentock and Leah Piken! And the sweet Tricia Scott mentioned that she forgot to nominate me and that she felt bad about that, which she totally should not have! This was all very unexpected, but very appreciated. Thanks!
So I think I’m supposed to nominate 5 more women. This is really hard. Really, just look at my links on the sidebar and take your pick! But let me see here…
1. Tracy Helgeson. I always link to her when I do these things, but really her blog is just wonderful. I have learned so much from thie incredibly talented and giving artist. From her I’ve learned how to correctly label my artwork before I send it out, how to read gallery contracts, and lots and lots of other things. I love her paintings and hope to see one in person one day.
2. Katie Kendrick. I have gotten to know Katie through blogging for the past 2 years now or more. I can’t remember when I first “met” her, although I did meet her in person briefly at artfest ’05. But from the first I felt a kinship with her artwork. She has a beautiful spirit and it shows in her artwork and her words.
3. Doña Bumgarner. Whenever Doña Bumgarner posts I know I am in for a treat. Her photos are beautiful, her writing really speaks to me. I find her posts inspiring.
4. Mien Wong. I love, love Mien’s work. Her gourds, her sketches, paintings…all of it! i always look forward to her posts.
5. dipatch from l.a.. The talented Mary Ann Moss. Her visual journals are amazing and she is so funny.
ok. that was hard and time consuming. But thanks so much for the nomination! Back to the easel for me. I spent the early afternoon photographing my larger paintings that I have finished this past month, so I will probably have several posts this week.
Thank you so much for the rockin’ girl blog nomination! I’m so flattere that you enjoy my blog!
Thanks so much for the nomination Bridget! Very kind words and I am happy that you are able to find something helpful in my prattle….
Bridget – thanks dahling for the lovely mention. coming from YOU that’s quite an honor.