reflections on meditations

It’s been a whirlwind of busy-ness these past two weeks with the opening of the show last weekend, March 4th, and then I taught an encaustic and photography workshop this weekend. So after the opening, I had to buckle down and concentrate on the workshop prep, which is always extensive.

I don’t know about anyone else, but whenever I am participating in an art opening or have an event, my first concern is- I hope people come! Well, people came and it was fun catching up with friends and colleagues, former workshop attendees, and then of course meeting new people. Everyone remarked how well mine and Crystal’s work hung together-palette, composition, feel. Photos of the opening are posted over at PerficalSense Studio Facebook page. Comments such as “it’s as if you both were working side by side” were heard often!

6×6 inches

Towards the end of getting ready for the show, I started working on some small 6×6 and 5×7 pieces to hang in groupings. I had been working on paintings for this show since late December(I think?) and so by the time I was working on the small pieces, I felt a loosening up, a desire to open up to more mark making…and actually a resistance to adding one of my transfers or images! It was a little startling to feel that resistance, but at the same time not surprising. I know that for myself, when I’m working on a series of paintings, I tend to start deviating from what I’m doing towards the end. But I told myself that it’s just a natural progression of working things out in a concentrated time period and the growth that follows. Who knows where it will lead….

song shaper
6×6 inches

When we hung the work the Thursday before the show, I just felt a sense of accomplishment of having gotten the work done and a sense of pride to have it hanging it with Crystal’s collages, whose work I really admire. I sold 5 paintings opening night, which was so wonderful as well. This past weekend, 2 more pieces went to a new home. Actually, it was these two!

Now that all deadlines that have been looming over my head are over with for now, I am ready to clean up the studio and get back to work. I am excited to get going on some new paintings, perhaps adding a bit of color….?


  1. I’m so happy that you had fun at your show, I’m sure it was beautiful. We are joining in the 3rd Friday art walks starting this week and that’s what I was thinking, I hope some people come!!
    I bet that felt so good to have some pieces sell the first night, your work is so amazing!

  2. Thanks Judy, Carole, and Susan! It’s a good feeling to know that the paintings are going to new homes…and that I actually got to meet the people who brought them home with them. As we all know, the past few years have been tough for everyone, but for artists particularly. Hope this is a sign of good things for us all.

  3. Hi Brigette – would love to have seen your show and to be at one of your workshops but reading your post is the next best thing! and I really covet ‘Songshaper’

  4. You have certainly been is such a feeling of accomplishment when you finally hang your show and people come to your opening.. congrats on your successes and on being part of Seth’s book.

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