Rise Again

Rise Again

Rise Again, encaustic mixed media, 5 1/2 x 11 inches

First post of the year and I feel like I should be writing something inspiring…but I’ve got nothing. ha! No, no, that’s not true, I’m feeling steady and ready for this new year to get going. But words are not forming and I’d rather be silent than hollow.

Last year I read Louise Erdrich’s book The Painted Drum and I saved several passages from her book that struck me. I’ll offer this one and what I want to ponder these coming days:

“…which causes me to wonder, my own purpose on so many days as humble as the spider’s, what is beautiful that I make? What is elegant? What feeds the world?” ― Louise Erdrich, The Painted Drum

The above piece was completed in December for an upcoming show called “Flight” at Lark and Key. Nature inspires my work, always, but the rhythms of nature also inspire my sense of being. We keep on and rise again no matter what life throws our way. Just being and doing.

May 2018 be a creative one.

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