Seeding Change

Seeding Change, encaustic mixed media by Bridgette Guerzon Mills
Bridgette Guerzon Mills | Seeding Change, encaustic mixed media, 14 1/4 x 6 1/4 inches, currently at Cappaert Contemporary gallery

Seeding Change is another encaustic mixed media piece in the series I was working on this spring where I was thinking about reciprocity and the interconnectedness of life and living beings. When I was making this, spring was still just a promise, but the seeds underground were awakening with the warming temperature of the soil and the air above. But the evenings were still dark and green hadn’t yet returned, at least in my corner of the world. But today it’s May 2nd and I’m wondering how it’s already May.

In my tiny garden today I saw a House Finch and then hiding under the Eastern Red Cedars that separate us from our neighbors, I saw a Grey Catbird. And the other day I passed by one of our birdhouses and I heard soft peepings coming from the dark hole in the house. Everything is unfurling too. The little hosta I planted last year is back and looking strong and healthy so far. The Smoke Bush is looking happy, not smoky yet, but happy. The hydrangea I planted last year made it! Spring is finally here.

We started rehabilitating our yard last year and some things made it and some things did not. It takes work to amend the soil and bring life back to an area that was long neglected. Change takes time and dedication. Seeing the birds visiting and seeing the plants we put in the earth last year come back, makes me happy and even more dedicated to continue revitalizing what was once dust.

Our front yard is a hill with all grass and two big trees and one dogwood. My dream would be to create a cottage garden out there instead of grass. I wonder if I’m up to the task….

I just want to fill walls with art and land with plants! Art and plants everywhere!

“I am going to make everything around me beautiful – that will be my life.” -Elsie de Wolfe

Seeding Change is at Cappaert Contemporary Gallery in Door County, WI with a few other new pieces I created for the 2022 season which just opened this past weekend. If you’re up in Egg Harbor, stop in for a visit!

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