seven and seven

I was tagged by the talented vivien b to list 7 blogs that I read and 7 things about me. So, here I go…

1. Tracy Helgeson creates beautiful landscape and barn paintings that just glow with color. I love reading about her process and her chickens!

2. Diana Fayt. Her ceramic pieces are like poetry in clay.

3. Lisa Beernsteen’s paintings are so beautiful and full of life and color.

4. I’ve been reading Suzanne Clements’ blog for a few years now and it’s been really great to be witness to her growth as a working artist. I’ve learned so much from her.

5. I just love Amanda’s landscape paintings. So calm and serene. Her sketches are amazing.

6. Penelope Dullaghan Great illustrations and wonderful posts on the creative life and just everyday life in general.

7. Mixed media artist Jen Worden constantly amazes me with the texture she creates on her mixed media pieces. Her work is very striking.

Seven things about myself. This one’s hard. Seven things?? Where do I start?
1. I lived my first 18 years in Maryland, right outside of Washington, D.C. Spent the next 6 years in Chicago. Then a year and half in St. Louis. Then my husband, dog and I packed up and moved to Seattle where we have lived for almost 5 years. And now we have Noah added to our little family here.

2. I love to cook and bake. In fact when I was going through my mid-twenties life crisis I seriously considered going back to school for a culinary degree. Decided that really, I just love food and that I would just keep it at that.

3. I’ve got a BS under my belt that I’m doing squat with. Although I did work in Special Education as a speech and language therapist for a bit after I graduated.

4. I am the first generation in my family to be born in the states. My father is filipino and my mother is nicaraguan.

5. I am really short. Not quite 5 foot.

6. I have a black rescue dog who is half shar-pei and half lab. His name is Foggy.

7. I really, really like goat cheese.

Thanks Vivien!

1 Comment

  1. Ha! I thought about culinary school too… even contemplated opening up a bakery for fresh breads and pasteries. (same time period too) Maybe it’s an artist thing?

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