sight | insight

Hope everyone had a nice mother’s day, either being celebrated or celebrating your own mothers. I was spoiled by my husband and two kids. French toast served to me, an urban adventure, then gifted with two new torches and lastly two hours of precious studio time in the afternoon. I am blessed to have a family that gets me.

Grace, Noah, Me, our dog
silly family portrait taken on Mother’s Day with one of my gifts- safety goggles. My husband’s picture with the goggles is awesome, but he’s not one to put his photo on the internet. But these little faces are my life.

I often have people ask me how I manage to keep my art going while being a mother of two young children…and there are times when I feel like I’m barely managing! It is something that I am always trying to balance. And it is something that I am lucky and grateful to have to balance. I speak a little bit about it in a recent interview I did with Lesley Riley on her blog talk radio show Art and Soul Radio. Below is the link to my 1 hour long interview. (!!)

Listen to internet radio with Art And Soul Radio on Blog Talk Radio

I am so honored to have been a guest on Lesley’s show. When she asked me if I would be interested, I was a bit hesitant…..I am a really quiet, not very talkative person and the thought of being taped freaked me out a bit! But I am so glad I did, we had a wonderful time talking and she made me feel very comfortable- it was like talking to an old friend. The focus of our interview was answering the question: where does my art come from? I hope you will take a listen.


  1. That was a great interview. I have been re-inspired by your words. Thank you for sharing this with us. And thank you for finding me a new art podcast! I’ve been searching for a good one for awhile now.

  2. Happy Every Day as a MOM…you’re family is so very fortunate to live with your example of commitment and care to them and to what makes you a sane and loving human being…your creative voice.

    I look forward to sitting down and listening to your interview later today when I’m in my studio.
    I know in advance that I’m so happy you were selected to answer the question: “where does my art come from?”
    That’s a good one for each of us to be able to **art**iculate ‘-)

    1. Thank you Donna as always for your encouraging and loving words. It is definitely a good question for us to answer. I return to that question everytime I am in the studio!

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