Sky Over A Field

encaustic painting, Sky Over A Field, by Bridgette Guerzon Mills
Bridgette Guerzon Mills | Sky Over A Field, encaustic, 20×20 inches, available at Lark & Key Gallery

I painted this several weeks ago. I remember that it was around the time I had gotten vaccinated and I was feeling hopeful and optimistic. The world opening up again and feeling safer about it. I didn’t have a chance to blog though and I am not feeling as optimistic…because every article I read makes me shake my head and worry. Today I read an article about the overfishing occurring in different parts of the world and that is worrisome. And then I read about what is happening in our politics here and I just can’t even. But then my 14 year old son is getting his second vaccination this week and that’s good.

I guess it’s all a balance. And maybe painting more big skies will fill me with hope.

“Unclose your mind. You are not a prisoner. You are a bird in flight, searching the skies for dreams.” 

Haruki Murakami

I will be sending this painting soon to Lark & Key for their upcoming Breathing Space show.

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