snow, snow, snow

Here in Chicagoland snow, snow and more snow has been falling from the sky and drifting about with the gusts of arctic wind. I have been hibernating. You’d think that would mean that I have more time on my hands to get things done. But being housebound with a two year old….not so much! My mother was in town this past week too to celebrate my little guy turning 2. It was nice hibernating with my mom in the house. We cooked together, huddled on the couch together, and she also helped me organize my studio closets. I feel so much better now that I don’t have boxes falling everywhere and I have my shipping and packing station all set up. I don’t know when I became such an organization freak. My mom was amazed too. I was never ever like that.

I posted a journaling tip yesterday to blog, but only found time today to do a quick post about it here. For those who struggle with journaling or feel like just pure writing in a journal is out of fashion, go check it out.

a spread from a visual journal, 2005-2007

I have some exciting projects ahead of me and can’t wait to get some good studio time to get working on them. One is a collaborative project with two mixed media artists, both of whose works intrigue me- Seth Apter and Jen Worden. I don’t do collaborative projects very often because the time I have in the studio is so limited and I need to concentrate on other things…things that pay the bills! But at the same time, there is something about working with other artists that pushes one’s limits. And that kind of growth is invaluable. The other project is a painting that I have been commissioned to do and I can’t wait to get started on it. I think that it will become a project close to my heart.


  1. It’s amazing how moms can show up at the right time, and offer just what one needs…I lost my mom when I was 21 so I have to remember to “mother” myself at times. You are very blessed!

  2. Bridgette thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving your encouraging words. I’ve had a nice long venture through your blog and website this morning while also hibernating from this bitter Chicago area cold snap! I am inspired bright and early from your work and words. I’ve linked you up to my blog and will be back for more eye candy soon!

  3. hey JonesMoore- so glad you have a blog now so that I can follow your work from a distance. I’m sorry to hear that you lost your mother so early. I am very blessed to be able to spend time with my mom and that we have a close relationship.

    I’m excited too Seth. Although I may have to mail out tomorrow as it it’s below zero today and that’s not including the wind chill. brrrrrr.

    Hi Crystal, thanks for visiting here. I love what I found on your blog- your art and your words. I will be visiting often. Stay warm!

  4. Beautiful visual journal spread. I’m always drawn to the work of others (like yours) but just don’t have the inclination to bring another thing into my life that would take away time from my writing.

    And let’s hear it for moms who snuggle and help organize!

  5. My dear mother used to help me in the garden when she was alive (she would have been 100 this year); I could do with her right now to re-organise this old house and all our clutter. Maybe this year I will tackle it all! Best of luck, Bridgette, with all your collaborative projects, and happy birthday to your little boy. And I love your journaling blogs. Ann.

  6. meri- thank you. I totally know what you mean. I wrote a little bit about that at the end of my amanobooks blog post. It is your time to honor yourself. I write more than do visual entries. Aferall, I consider my paintings visual journal entries. 🙂

    Thanks Ann. Moms are so good at organizing. You should have seen the miracles she would do when she’d visit me in Seattle and help me with my crazy cottage garden.

    Thanks Roxanne- it’s interesting that you say that because that spread was done when I found out I was pregnant. I was so looking forward to the journey ahead.

  7. I really like the journal tip. I’m spending January doing a visual journal page a day. When January is done, my intention is to adopt your practice of doing a visual journal page as a warm up to other work.

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