Snow + yarn

“Winter is the time for comfort, for good food and warmth, for the touch of a friendly hand and for a talk beside the fire: it is the time for home.” – Edith Sitwell

Winter has been brutal in many parts, I know. Today is yet another snow day for my kids among many others. I wonder how they’ll make up for all the closings and delays.

This tree and I go way back.
This photo is actually from our first big snow here over 2 months ago. It’s been a long winter.

But you see, I love winter.I am a homebody by nature and it gives me reason to stay inside by the fire at night. I also seem to pick up my knitting or crochet needles during the cold and dark evenings of winter. I hardly ever knit or crochet in the summer. Too hot and I end up doing other things when night comes so much later. I recently volunteered to lend my crocheting skills to Baltimore Threadquarters to help them with a really fun yarn bomb installation that will be on Pratt Street in front of the Baltimore Convention Center while the American Craft Council show that will be taking place here at the end of the month.

Yarn bombs in Highlandtown neighborhood in front of Baltimore Threadquarters #baltimore #yarn
yarn bombs in front of Baltimore Threadquarters in the Highlandtown neighborhood

I used to see yarn bombs in various locations in Chicago and they always made me happy. Especially during the dreary, grey winters in the city, the spark of color was always fun to see. So colorful and weird and whimsical. I had always wondered at who the people were who went to the trouble of dressing up a tree or a bike rack or a lightpost. Now, I know. Random people who like to make things and brighten up the streets. I am excited to be helping out for this installation.

Part of the design for the Baltimore Thread Quarters yarn bomb installation for the pylons on Pratt street. Going to start working on the daisies for them soon. #crochet #yarn #yarnbombs
Part of the design for the Baltimore Thread Quarters yarn bomb installation for the pylons on Pratt street.

Started working on the crazy daisy pattern. #crochet #yarn #yarnbombs
working on the daisy patterns

the completed daisies. I left my feet in the photo to give an idea of scale

I made a bunch of spiderwebs for them too that will be used as filler. If you live in the Baltimore area and are interested in helping, they are having a seaming party to put all the pieces together this Saturday. I won’t be able to attend that unfortunately, so I won’t get to see the complete installation until the ACC begins. Looking forward to it though.

You know what I love about crochet and knitting? The fact that you can make something out of a length of yarn and a hook or needle. That’s nifty. I remember when crochet was so….kind of ugly and really unhip. It’s neat to see new designs out that aren’t so bulky. And free-form crochet… Check this free form awesomeness by Lisa Carney on flickr.

Making something with our hands reflects something basic about ourselves. We want to work hard without losing touch with our creative selves; we want to earn money without losing our souls; and we want to be part of a larger picture of human progression while still maintaining our individuality.” – Vickie Howell


  1. always smile at the synchronicity we seem to share (you always make me feel less alone on the planet : ) ) I, too, went to my craft store last night and bought knew yarn and knitting needles…..hadn’t knit in about three years and something struck me to take it up again….and then to see your post here…….

    ….what fun : )

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