Somerset Wedding, Volume 2

Right around the time when I was preparing all the little details for my wedding last year I heard about a call for unique art and ideas for the once a year wedding edition of Somerset Magazine. Somerset Magazine normally showcases the art of paper and mixed media. So I submitted some of things I made for our wedding, including our invitation and the Ring Nest I created for our ring bearer.

Below is the nest that I created to hold our wedding bands and that the magazine asked me to write an article about. It was difficult putting into words something made by instinct, but I did it and it’s on page 64! The magazine should be hitting the stands either now or very soon. It’s great for all sorts of creative, artistic ideas for your not-so-typical bride. Which is what I was. When I had been looking in the standard bridal magazines for ideas, I just couldn’t even stomach looking at the cookie cutter cheeseball ideas they had to offer. Ugh.


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