sunday, sunday


I went to the studio today for my full Sunday of studio time. It had been a while. Last Sunday I was working on art related things, but not actual creating. I have been feeling a bit hestitant about going into work. Not sure what it is. Feeling lethargic? Feeling aimless? Don’t really know. So, I decided that the first thing I was going to work on was a spread in Karon Leigh’s altered book. I snatched up her huge book before I left Patricia’s last Tuesday. I’ve never worked in a book that big, but it was freeing. I loved it. Maybe I should get my own book and work on a spread at the beginning of each session when I arrive in my studio. Loosen up, let it all just unfold. No pressure or stress. Hmmm.

Today I worked on an encaustic piece that I had started on Tuesday. So far, so good. I had bought a bar of celadon green at Daniel Smith’s and mmmmm, I love it. It’s so calming.

For lunch I stepped out onto the street and perused the Ballard Farmer’s Market. I could have gotten fresh soup made by farmers from Woodinville, or a crepe filled with cheese and spinach or a quesadilla filled with greens, or even smoked salmon. But of course I went straight for the hotdog stand. Next week I will be more healthy. I took some pictures of the beautiful squashes on sale.



When I returned to my studio I put away my encaustics and pulled out my oils and brushes. I had several canvases that I had started this past year that were intended for the Expecting series, but never made it to completion or if it did, I just didn’t think they were good enough. I took these canvases and painted variations of white over the colors and images already on the surface. I really like how they look- just whites on whites. If I were the type of artist who just worked in shape and color, I think I would be tempted to just leave them like that…but I’m not. So when I return to work, I will keep developing those canvases. I’m feeling something churning…


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