Tactile Encounters: The Influence and Appearance of Texture

left: Beyond Form, encaustic mixed media, 12×12 inches
right: Each other, encaustic mixed media, 12×12 inches

I feel so fortunate to have my work in five shows this coming month in various venues, that I will be announcing here as they come up. This exhibit is particularly exciting because of the theme of the show. Members of FUSEDChicago were invited to submit works for consideration that dealt with the creation of texture or the influence of texture using encaustic as the medium. One of the qualities that has always drawn me to encaustic as my medium of choice is the ability to create texture. Even when a work has a smooth as glass surface, the “absence” of texture of that surface is especially intriguing.

I will have three paintings in this show. Two were from a series, the ones above, that I did last year and at the beginning of this year in which the pieces really do have a lot of texture- integration of papers with wax and oil glazes, layers of transparent images to create depth.

The other piece that got in is so very different from the paintings above- reflecting the new work that occurred in the middle of this year. The interesting thing is that “Filter” really does have an appearance of texture, but in a totally different way than the above works. When I brought this piece to Emily Rutledge’s studio for her critique, she kept running her hands over the surface because of the smoothness of it- very different from how she normally works. It was funny to see her running her hands over and over the surface. It’s really something that we all want to do when we see these pieces up in a gallery but aren’t allowed to!

encaustic mixed media
24×24 inches

As always I am honored to be showing with such wonderful artists that belong to FUSEDChicago. I am really looking forward to seeing the exhibit and how we all approach texture in different ways.



  1. I always think the biggest compliment is when someone wants to touch a piece we’ve created. Congratulations on having your work as part of the exhibit, way to go.

  2. FIVE shows in a month?!! You are surely on a roll now, girl! How exciting for you- and these pieces are exciting as well. I love the sense of depth and space in the top two, while the third is sort of minimalist-modern; all three all wonderful. Best of luck for the upcoming show!

    1. Thanks Sharmon! October is a busy month for artists here in Chicago as it’s Chicago Artists Month- so lots of activities to be a part of. Thanks for the feedback!

  3. Congratulations Bridgette on your continued success. Enjoy this flurry and prepare for many more! All three of these pieces are very special and they deserve to be seen by as many people as possible.

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