The Path Forward Is A Spiral of Continual Death and Rebirth

  • February 12, 2025
Bridgette Guerzon Mills | The Path Forward Is A Spiral of Continual Death and Rebirth, torn cloth and paper, sewn button, encaustic, photocopy transfer, 8×8 inches, available in my online shop

I have been telling myself that I am going to work on some landscape paintings. And yet, whenever I do get some time in the studio I end up tearing up pieces of cloth and attaching them to a larger piece I have been working on. That one is still in progress. I pulled out this small panel that had been another painting that never progressed and just started to layer pieces of the torn cloth and paper using encaustic medium as my main way of attaching them to the panel and each other.

A bit ago I had done a photocopy transfer onto a heavy piece of unprimed canvas. I have long been obsessed with the nautilus as both a symbol and also just because they fill me with wonder.

It’s been so hard to keep going with daily life and not wanting to scream with all the assaults to the country right now. I look at this piece and I’m like, this is so calm and peaceful, and yet, I am definitely not calm and peaceful. In fact, I feel enraged. As I was processing the photos for this piece though, I started to think about how the nautilus symbol with its closed off ever widening chambers, tells us that in order for growth and life, we need to leave old ways and beliefs behind. The old system of patriarchy and supremacy has felt threatened and is giving its last last violent kick. I have to believe that we will have a period of darkness before things get better. I have to believe that for my children and for the generations to come.

Believe and fight for that hope.

My titles keep getting longer and longer. Maybe I should shorten them and keep them vague. Like, Rebirth. That kind of makes it devoid of what is actually going through my brain though. Or maybe it should be Letting Go Of What No Longer Serves In Order to Grow. hmmmm


  1. I’m laughing about both of your long names and wondering, “Who decided that the names of artworks need to be a specific length?” You do you, Bridgette. This is a beautiful piece and, of course, I immediately want to have it.

    1. 😀 Thank you Cindy! When I am typing up the file name on the images, I’m like, wow, this is a really long title!! ha!

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