
Today I met up with fellow blogger and encaustic artist, Beth of Tangled Sky Studio for coffee. Again, it was so nice to meet someone that I have gotten to know online. And I don’t know what it is about encaustics, but at least for me, if I meet another artist who works in encaustics, it’s like an instant bond!

I really love to hear other’s stories about how they came to their creative paths. Not all of us are born knowing that this is the path we need to be following. Or maybe we know, and yet other things have to happen first before we take the plunge.

It was a great time bouncing ideas, tips, questions off of each other. For the first couple of years of my art-making/journal-making I really kept to myself. Not sure why. Maybe I needed that cocoon time. When I started to keep a blog, I found a whole community of other people also creating away in their studios, kitchens, desks, floor, etc. and I realized that while alone time is essential to the creative process, so is the reaching out. In the past few years, I have been doing that more and it really is valuable- in so many different ways.

When I moved to Chicago I made a promise to myself that I would try to seek out community of other creative spirits. It’s a nice goal to always be working on.

I have been adding some prints, matted and unmatted to the art section at and also to my etsy shop.


  1. Meeting up with like-minded others, online and especially in person, is such a wonderful treat. It’s like it reinforces that we are not alone, no matter how alone we can often feel. I’m so glad you had a wonderful meeting.

    Great piece, btw…I love birds’ nests. Very nice!

    Peace & Love,

  2. Bridgette – how cool is that that you and Beth got to meet face to face – fun – this piece is just yummy – god, I have to stop using that word!

  3. jeanne is right yummy is the right word for this piece…it is done with my two favorite colors!
    it was so lovely meeting you today bridgette. i too have kept to myself until just recently and it is great to know others are on a similar journey and to share our stories and information. i know we’ll talk again soon and until then i wish you and your beautiful family peace and warmth…

  4. How wonderful for you! This piece made my heart sing. WHen my daughter was little she would always say “hod me” and still, event though she is almost 7 she will still cuddle up and say “hod me”.

    I cannot wait until I have the space to set up an encaustic area. I am going to a workshop soon to learn about combining wax with fabric.

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