Unexpected Visitors

Unexpected Visitors
Bridgette Guerzon Mills | Unexpected Visitors, encaustic mixed media,
8×10 inches

Lately bits of bright yellow has been showing up in my work lately. Ehich is unusual for me. When I posted about that in my Instagram feed someone commented that it might have to do with spring. That made sense to me. The sky over where I live has been especially dreary for more than a year now. Lots and lots of rain, even during the summer time. And when it’s not raining, it’s been overcast. Now, I love rain and I actually am partial to overcast days…but even for me it’s been a bit much.

I will be sending this painting to an upcoming show soon so I had to get it framed. I decided to deviate from my norm of black float frame and do a white float frame. I love it! It really gave a clean contemporary feel to this mixed media piece. There’s something about this piece that really makes me happy- it could be the remembering of the what if moment I had right before I decided to add the yellow polka dots. And then, the “sure why not” shrug and then being happy with the result. Maybe. Or maybe it’s just the happy bright yellow dots! Anyway, I will be sending it away soon and decided though to hang it in my house on our grey wall before I send it off. I just love the combination of yellow + grey, don’t you?

yellow + grey = love

The sun came out yesterday morning. It was chilly but everything was lit up and the blooming forsythia seemed to glow. I had to take a picture.

“How lovely yellow is! It stands for the sun.” -Vincent Van Gogh

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