visual journal detail

cropped detail of a visual journal spread

I’ve never drawn a horse before! It was…frustrating. But I am happy with how it turned out. I’ve never been one to draw animals. Definitely a learning experience. I drew it on vellum with graphite.

The fern that is at the right border is the leftover stuff from a polaroid transfer. I can never get myself to throw those out. I like them as much as the actual tranfer.

Feels good to be creating again.


  1. Bridgette –

    This is so cool! I was JUST thinking I needed to check in with you and your blog, and then I went to my blog to get your address, scrolled down and saw your comment.

    Now, back to perusing your wonderful artwork…

  2. Hi Bridgette!

    Thanks for your blog comment! Yes, I did paint them on site. Kind of a first for me, and it was really enjoyable.

    Today I went out and bought some new watercolors so I could do more accurate color work on the paintings I’ll be doing.

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