week 2: apple muffins with walnut streusel

Second installment of a recipe from my make one day files. This one has been in my binder since 2005. That’s older than my children and has traveled with me from Seattle to Chicago to Maryland! Good grief. I finally made this one because I had some Granny Smith apples that I needed to use. This recipe is from Cooking Light and was created by Melissa B. Williams.

Looking at the recipe I thought- this looks like a healthy muffin. Meh. But I needed to use up the apples, so I gathered the ingredients from my pantry.

I made it with my daughter, PBJ, and I added cinnamon to the recipe because cinnamon with apples makes everything taste better. I also increased the walnuts to 1/2 cup from the original 1/4 cup. My first bite I was like, yeah, this tastes healthy- which in my world of baking things is not always a positive thing. I do like to cook clean and healthy, but when it comes to baking, I’d really rather just have the full fat and goodness that is supposed to be in a baked product. But then my second bite I thought, hmmm, this is actually tasty. And then I devoured it. The Bearded Man has always been the healthy eater in the relationship and he loved it. The Brave thought it was great and declared it was a great breakfast snack. PBJ took a nibble and said she didn’t like it because of the raisins. Which is odd because she used to love raisins. Hmmmm, very suspect. One of my sisters came over the evening I made this and she thought it was really good and she’s on a health kick right now.

I used regular raisins as I didn’t have golden raisins on hand. They tasted good.

Here is a link to the original and more legible recipe for Apple Muffins with Walnut Streusel.

I may have to find a new journal for my recipes. Not quite the right paper for gouache. A lot of curling. Or maybe I should stick to ink. Decisions, decisions.

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