week 4: salt ‘n’ vinegar roasted potatoes

Another side dish from my binders of recipes-to-make-one-day that turned out well. Everyone loved them. But really, how can you not? I love potatoes in all the ways.

This recipe is from when I had a subscription to a small sized magazine called Everyday Food back when we lived in Seattle, so this has been a binder for many years. This recipe will become a family favorite. I didn’t have malt vinegar, so I used cider vinegar. And I only sprinkled 1-2 tbs of it instead of 1/4 cup or so. I also used Yukon Gold potatoes because I love their innate buttery goodness.

Not so sure of my illustration, as the smashed potatoes look like, well, smashed something or other. I made it look like I used little red potatoes just for the contrast of the skin. But it was fun to do while I watched a new tv obsession on National Geographic channel on people who live off the grid. I don’t watch that much tv but when I get into a show, I get obsessed. And so i wasn’t paying enough attention while I was writing in the recipe. I forgot a step and put an asterisk in there because I definitely don’t want to forget to oil the tops of the potatoes next time I make this!

You can view this recipe at Martha Stewart’s website.

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