Week 6: Brown Sugar Broiled Grapefruit

Week 6 Brown Sugar Broiled Grapefruit

Many, many years ago my husband and I stayed at a bed and breakfast in Port Angeles and we were served a breakfast that I have never forgotten. Actually the only thing I remember is being served broiled grapefruit because a) who eats warm grapefruit? and b) it was delicious. So when I saw this recipe in the Eating Well magazine’s February 2013 issues I ripped it out and added it to my collection. But I never made it because well, it seemed kind of like a pain when you can just eat a grapefruit fine as is, cold.

But because of this challenge, I went ahead and made it. It actually doesn’t take very long. The first time I made it I used cardamom because that’s a flavor that always intrigues me. I didn’t have the ingredients to make the whipped cream though. I thought, whipped cream on a grapefruit sounds weird anyway, it won’t be missed. The outcome was good but not something I was wild about.

The second time I made it I used the cinnamon instead and I made the whipped cream…um, yeah, I have no words with how delicious this is. The magazine had put this dish under the dessert section and it actually did taste like some kind of citrus pie but without the crust. So. Good. No one else in my family would try this, more for me!

You can view the Eating Well recipe here.

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