what i’ve been working on

The prompt for Inspire Me Thursday is open this week with just a suggestion to show current projects or paintings. I thought I would post a photo of a wall in my studio where I have ben hanging my paintings as they get finished and before they get sent to wherever they need to go.

wall in my studio

There are a few on the wall here that I haven’t posted on this blog yet as I haven’t had a chance to photograph them.. I post my small paintings fairly quickly after I make them as I can just scan them. But recently I have been working on my larger paintings, so no pictures yet. Have I mentioned how much I hate photographing my work?

I am running out of room! I am starting a pile against another wall. This wall helps me to see the work together and to reassure myself that I am making progress towards completed paintings for my upcoming show in October.

I have been taking photos of my studio wall as it changes these past few months. You can see them on my flickr. http://www.flickr.com/photos/7235969@N03/ (id is bgmills)

Oh and I wanted to write here that I have gotten a few of my responses to emails that people wrote to me recently bounce back to me! I don’t know why. But if you are expecting an email response for me, I am not ignoring it…please try again.


  1. ooo, i too love seeing your art all hanging together like this. even just seeing it on the wall is such a wonderful treat! your paintings are truly gorgeous.

  2. thank you all for your comments and encouragement! I really appreciate it and it makes me happy knowing that my work might inspire some one else.

  3. each one amazing on its own, as well as look spectacular as a cohesive whole. it must give you such a sense of accomplishment to see that wall filled with your work.

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