wishes cast

Though I do not believe that a plant will spring up where no seed has been, I have great faith in a seed.  Convince me that you have a seed there, and I am prepared to expect wonders. ~ Henry David Thoreau


I remember puffing my cheeks, making a wish, and blowing these little feathery seedlings with all my might. I would watch my wish float in the air, twirling and whirling around and scattering across the green grass. The wonderful thing about being a child is believing that a wish cast on a dandelion seed might actually come true. (As well as living in ignorance that blowing seedlings would make stubborn yellow dandelions pop up all over the lawn!) What would you wish for with all your might?

Just got back from a beach vacation out in Delaware with my family- one house, 6 kids, lots of fun. It will take me a while to get us readjusted to reality. I’ll be back soon!

As for me, I wish, I wish, I wish…….


The WAX show had a great turnout. Please visit the FusedChicago Facebook photo album to see some photos of the exhibit. The show was written up in the Chicago Examiner as one of the highlights of the Milwaukee Avenue Arts Festival. Hurrah!


  1. Congrats on the exhibition Bridgette and the mention in the press. That is wonderful. I can tell by the pictures on Facebook that it was a great show.

  2. That’s great news about the show! congrats on the good publicity!

    Your photo if the dandelion is beautiful; it looks otherworldly in black and white. And yes, there’s a tiny part of me in there somewhere that still believes in wishes…

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