woven together

woven together, mixed media and oil, 4×4 inches

The words on this little painting read: woven together in the depths

This painting is another exploration of my thoughts on creating the life that is now my son. I thought about how birds build their nests and how they have the blueprints embedded in their brains. By instinct they build these architectural feats to nurture and protect their eggs from the harsh world. Each week I would read in my pregnancy books what was going on in my body and would marvel that little fingers were being formed, a skeleton, lungs, a heart. It’s amazing, really how we are all little miracles walking around everyday.

I had an old pattern for a dress that I picked up at an estate sale. I used that as the foundation of this painting. You can see the little figures at the top. The words are from a Psalm. And of course, I added threads!

This weekend we moved my computer out of the studio. One, I needed more room. Two, the computer really distracts me when I have little time for distraction. I hope to get more work done. I really need to. I am feeling the time crunch. My mom is flying in tomorrow and I can’t wait to see her. She will be visiting for the week to spend time with us and to help me out.

I was able to get a few hours in the studio on Sunday after we moved everything around. And I felt so much lighter in there. I finished two large encaustic paintings. I haven’t had a chance to photograph them, but hopefully I will get to that this week.


  1. oh, i love this and your thoughts behind it make it even richer.

    yes, we must be on the same wavelength as I’ve been talking about nesting so much lately and even mentioned it in a comment on a blog today. 🙂

    i can’t wait to have some more space to create in, so i can begin to play more with wax.

  2. Hi Bridgette,

    I love it.
    It is wonderful you can still carve out some precious time to make beauties. I hope to go back to my art studio within 6 months (by then my second daughter will 2!!! And maybe not as much of a handful…). I am even at least 3 weeks late on my own blog…Oooops!
    For the time being I enjoy the artwork of others mum [or not] artists.
    It is all good vibes.

  3. I stopped by the coffee shop to see your work hanging. It’s lovely! More beautiful in person than on the web.

  4. What a beautiful piece, filled with the emotions and energy you are experiencing! Your use of the white paint nestles the image into the collage. Lovely!

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