30 in 30: Days 23 and 24

Day 23 of the 30 paintings in 30 days challenge:


My kids once again had the day off of school and so I knew this one had to be uncomplicated, so this one became more of a piecing together. The top of this panel is from an encaustic monotype print. The inspiration of the painting actually came from the night before when I read one my daughter’s favorite books to her for bedtime. There is a spread in Birds by Kevin Henkes that asks the question “What if the tail feathers were paint brushes that filled the sky with color as the birds flew about?” or something to that effect. We love that page.

Day 24


Just a few more days left, hooray!


  1. Love this: There is a spread in Birds by Kevin Henkes that asks the question “What if the tail feathers were paint brushes that filled the sky with color as the birds flew about?

    1. I got the book out to find the exact wording for you Lucy: “If birds made marks with their tail feathers when they flew, think what the sky would look like.”

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