a bean to spill

I’ve been laying low for the past several weeks. I am finally ready to share what has been preoccupying my mind, body and soul.

I’m pregnant!

I had my first ultrasound yesterday and it was determined that I am 11 weeks and 2 days along. Everything is looking good. Heartbeat is strong and the little body is measuring 4.4 cm. The technician gave us 6 pictures!

I’ve been doing really well. I feel so very lucky. I’ve been eating well with a few days here and there where nothing seems very appetizing. No nausea or throwing up, thank God! I started swimming the other week, and will soon sign up for a prenatal yoga class.

It’s really amazing and I feel blessed everyday to be experiencing this miracle of life growing inside of me. I touch my belly every day just awed by what is happening. By the journey that lies ahead of me, of us.

I have fear as all expectant parents do. But I grew up with a special needs sister and also worked in special education and I know what can go wrong. One of my others sisters almost died too when she gave birth to her son because her lupus manifested itself. But all I can do is take the best care of myself and the baby and pray for the best.

Now that my energy is coming back, I feel a lot of creative energy just ready to pour out of me. I have been processing so much through my mind and spirit that I need to work out further through paint and pencils. (acrylics that is, I’ve had to hang up my oil paints for now).

Anyway, that’s my bean I’ve been wanting to spill. It’s finally close enough to 12 weeks to be able to share my news with the world. 🙂


  1. Hi Bridgette + Bean, I have already said congrats, but I’ll say it again, congrats. If you want to discuss natural childbirth, homebirth and breastfeeding sometime, drop me a line. I did the whole earth mama thing and highly recommend it!

    Glad you are feeling well and I admire your restraint in not announcing it. I think I told everyone, including the UPS man, the very day I had a positive pregnancy test!

  2. congratulations bridgette!!!! how wonderful- isnt it magical??? it is an amazing journey- get ready for an adventure! now for some advice- sleep now as much as you can- enjoy long afternoon naps & sleep in on the weekends, once these little ones come along sleep becomes quite a treat. and enjoy the experience 🙂
    blessing to you & your little bean.

  3. That’s so wonderful, Bridgette! Congratulations!!! I was wondering why we hadn’t heard much from you lately…but totally understandable! I’m just glad everything’s going so well!!! 🙂

  4. tracy- thanks from both me and Bean! I will definitely email you I am sure with questions. Well, I wasn’t too restrained- I told you the day after I found out! haha!

    Karen-Thanks! I am so excited. One of my sisters told me that I should rest as much as I cna now because it’s not going to happen later! I love seeing pictures of your little one and the art that has come out from your own journey as a new mother. I hope to do the same

    D-thanks! Yeah, I’ve been doing well just major fatigue. But my energy levels are picking up a bit, so hopefully I will be posting more soon. Thanks again!

  5. whoo hoo!!! congratulations Bri! I’m so happy for you. I hope this pregnancy is an easy one for you in all ways. I second Karen’s advice about napping – nap with abandon and enjoy every moment 🙂

  6. Congratulations, Bridgette!! I’m so excited for you, your husband, and the little being that will soon be part of your family. Take care and talk soon…

  7. I run a website, Babes in Blogland, that lists ttc, expecting, and new-parent bloggers to help us all find one another. I’ve added your site to the blogroll. If you need me to correct any information or if you would like for me to remove the link, please let me know.

    Thank you and congratulations.

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