The other week I spent several days trying to get my front flower gardens under control after lots of rain and lots of neglect on my part. The Virginia Spiderwort seemed to have decided to take over the entire front hill. My task was to thin it out to a more manageable size. Needless to say, I spent several hours submerged in green.
That afternoon I went into my studio and created the painting above. The panel had been sitting in a corner in my studio in a pile of started but stuck paintings for probably, oh, at least 4 years. It was a green and pink painting and the thought of just tossing the painting in the garbage had crossed my mind more than once.
But this painting came to be and it makes me happy. I just wanted to capture the green that surrounded me. Since it’s on a hill, the foliage was literally hanging over me, under me, all around! I moved the painting into my house today so I can live with it on a daily basis. I was once told that I had an emerald green aura…and lately I was thinking that if that was true, it probably had turned into a muddy green because I’ve been feeling…not so happy with the state of the world and the state of myself. I read something that if you are a green aura to surround yourself with bright greens in your thoughts and surroundings to lift your spirits up and return to an emerald green…
…who knows about all that, but this painting fills me with a calm. And it reminds me of how I felt peaceful and determined submerged in the green that morning.