I recently got back into creating my handbound journals again here and there. In my studio I have been concentrating on painting 24×24 paintings and up, as well as trying to get those 12×12 inch panels to work together. (And slowing driving myself crazy with those 12x12s.) But one evening last week I pulled out my small panels and made a few covers to be bound into journals. While I created the panel that became the cover for the book below I was listening to Nina Simone’s song “Feeling Good” and I just had to pull the title from the lyrics.

A New Dawn
handbound blank journal
mixed media covers
exposed spine, 112 white pages
I took the photo of the tree right when a flock of geese were flying over head. That image is actually dipped in wax. The rest of the cover is collaged papers and acrylic paint.
Feeling Good
Birds flying high you know how I feel
Sun in the sky you know how I feel
Breeze driftin’ on by you know how I feel
(refrain:)x2 It’s a new dawn
It’s a new day
It’s a new life
For me
And I’m feeling good
Fish in the sea you know how I feel
River running free you know how I feel
Blossom on the tree you know how I feel
Dragonfly out in the sun you know what I mean, don’t you know
Butterflies all havin’ fun you know what I mean
Sleep in peace when day is done
That’s what I mean
And this old world is a new world
And a bold world
For me
Stars when you shine you know how I feel
Scent of the pine you know how I feel
Oh freedom is mine
And I know how I feel
If you want to hear her beautiful voice, click on the video below.
So, yes, I do have an etsy shop where I have sold my smaller paintings, prints and journals since I closed down my other site that started this whole journey, amanobooks.com. But I have been souring on etsy and decided to give this a try. I’ve always resisted selling directly on my blog because I want my blog to be a place where I can share my art and discuss the ideas behind my work and not be a place where I’m trying to sell my work so blatantly in your face. After years of debating this, I decided to just try it out and see how I feel about it. So, please forgive me for caving, but I’m trying to simplify things and if I just have two places to update- my website and my blog, then I will be on my way to simplification. Which is a good thing.
There is a phrase that the GOE group has & that’s K.I.S.S…Keep it simple silly. Simple is good. Love the journal. I’ve never made a complete journal from scratch but I have made covers. I love the way you kept the encaustic element…something I never thought to do. Thanks for sharing and being bold.
That is a great phrase! I mean, really, why complicate things more than it needs to be. Life is complicated enough. Thank you for that! That dipped image was something I had started on a different painting a long time ago that never went anywhere. I try to use everything that I have on hand and I always knew that I’d figure out something to do with it at some point! Thanks again
Gorgeous! I think it’s fine to sell on your blog. It’s not really in our face when you simply put a button on there and tell us your news along with it.
I really really love your art Bridgette!
Love Nina Simone. She sings to me from Pandora while I cook dinner every evening. The other evening I heard her singing Bob Dylan’s music. It really puzzled me because I thought she was way before Bob Dylan…like more from Louis Armstrong’s generation. But no, she was born in 1933 and Bob was born in 1941. Louis was born in 1901. Who knew?
Thanks for your input Lisa. I just don’t want my blog to be seen as a place where the person is just trying to sell you something. While, yes, I want/need to sell my paintings, journals, etc. I want this to be a place where it’s like visiting with a friend and not someone just trying to hawk their wares! So, I appreciate your feedback. Thank you.
love this journal…the colors…the collage of calligraphy…just lovely! also great song choice…i will probably be humming it the rest of the morning 🙂
Thank you Linda. At least it’s a good and uplifting song to be stuck in one’s head!
Caving? I think it’s a great idea. The journal cover is beautiful.
thank you and thanks for your feedback. It makes sense. i had always wanted to keep it all separate, but who has time for that?! 🙂
I’ve always loved her voice singing this song and it fits perfectly with your lovely cover. Simple is good … you should do just what you want with your art and your blog. I just want to keep seeing your beautiful creations and hopefully one day be able to become a customer!
thanks so much for your feedback and encouragement. I think I can do it tastefully and it won’t be a constant in your face type of thing. Thanks again.