It wasn’t too long ago that I was lamenting the fact that people, companies, government, etc. don’t seem to care that we are poisoning our water and land, solely for profit or even just because we can. A wise friend said to me, “yes, well, the Earth will always be, it’ is’s us humans that will not be around. The Earth will always recover. Eventually. We don’t even know how many times this has happened before us.”
Destroying one’s home purposefully and willfully just will never make sense. But her words were somehow comforting. In a strange, nihilistic way.
But I do have to say, that once when I was dragging myself to the summit of Mount Washington in New Hampshire, like literally dragging myself over up the boulders in that last half mile of the rock pile, I would grab onto the rocks and feel their unyielding support. I imagined their strength going through my fingertips and into my exhausted body, helping me up to that final stretch. Honestly I am not sure I would have made it up there without that visual meditation helping me along.
The image that I used for the transfer above was not from Mount Washington. It was from one of the last times I was on Mount Rainier in Washington. There’s just something so steadfast about being in the mountains.
*When I wrote the word nihilistic I laughed to myself because that word always reminds me of Big Lebowski. Love that movie.