forever, mixed media, 4×4 inches
So, yesterday was my first time ever doing a group sale type of thing. I’ve always thought about it doing it, but just never did. And I never really had to as my online sales through amanobooks.com kept me busy enough. And always present were my own fears that kept me from applying to holiday art and crafts shows. Which is dumb, but there it is.
As I’ve written before that ever since I went through the scares of my pregnancy, I don’t get anxious about these things anymore. There are so many more important things to get scared about than putting my art out into the world. It sounds ridiculous even to say that. But I think that other artists and writers, or anyone who is following their creative instincts can relate.
But still, there’s always the “what if no one buys anything” or “what if people are rude about my work” types of questions that run rampant through our minds. As I’m learning though, I can’t let these questions stop me because my worst fears never ever actualize.
Yesterday the whole Seattle area was hit by its first winter snow storm. It was bad. Anyone who was out on the roads was pretty much trying to get off the roads and get home. So we did not have that many visitors, but I still managed to sell several paintings, a couple of prints, some journals and a lot of my blank cards. I don’t even know how that happened. But I am grateful for it. And two of my friends stopped in to visit me which was so so nice of them because the roads were terrible. I got to know Angela Rockett and her husband better too. They are really great people. I feel honored that she invited me to participate in her open studio show. Thanks Angela!
I hesitate to write about my past fears here in my public art journal as I have always felt that if I show insecurity, then what would translate into people feeling less confident about my work. But if I can maybe help someone else take that step and to believe in themselves and their art, then it’s worth it. Besides this is my art journal meant to record my journey in getting my art out into the world. This was an important lesson. And I’m learning. All the time, I’m learning.
I’ve heard that a lot from women who have had children, that it just makes everything else seem much more doable.
I also feel strange about sharing my insecurities on my blog, and in most of my life, for much the same reason. But you do it in such a way that it inspires trust, not more insecurity. You’re an inspiration in so many ways, Bridgette.
Thanks again for being a part of my first open studio. It meant a lot to me to have you there. And I just read your post to my husband and he says, “Well, Bridgette’s really great people too.”
Thank you Angela~ you are an inspiration too. I am glad that we have been able to connect online and in 3D. How lucky! See you on Thursday…
I had three shows last week – 1 three-day show and two one day events. We had some weather issues also – but I was very happy with my overall sales.
I think being a parent really changes people’s perspectives. So many things that once loomed large in my life have now become “don’t sweat the small stuff” type things.
congats on all the shows raine! you’ve been busy. I definitely agree with what you said. Good to hear from you and am so happy that you are finding time to create and do shows. Or rather, making the time!
Bridgette, I was thinking earlier today that all the things I REALLY want to do I hold back on, for fear of all the things you mention. But it’s true, those things never happen, so this year I plan to get out to some shows and join some local art groups. I’m glad to know someone else (I venture to guess that it’s more than just the two of us) is working through that fear. Thanks for the inspiration!