“Ends are not bad things, they just mean that something else is about to begin. And there are many things that don’t really end, anyway, they just begin again in a new way. – C. JoyBell C.

Another Chance
encaustic mixed media
8×8 inches
“Every man should be born again
on the first day of January.
Start a fresh page.
Take up one hole more
in the buckle if necessary,
or let down one,
according to circumstances;
but on the first of January
let every man
gird himself once more,
with his face to the front,
and take no interest in the things
that were and are past.”
– Henry Ward Beecher
I created this panel about two months ago, that’s how behind I am in posting! One of my resolutions this year is to get organized. I want everything to have its place. It’s always tough when one moves to a new home to get things to where you want them to be. Lots of trial and error. I want order. What can I say, it’s a side effect of living in chaos for a while! But this piece was about emerging from chaos and creating order, finding peace.
I read the above poem over at Art Propelled and it was just so appropriate for the new year and for my thoughts on the painting, that I had to borrow it.
What I like about this painting is the lesson I learned and the creative process that went into creating it. I used pieces of my encaustic monotype prints that I had made on rice paper at Deena Margolis‘ studio earlier in the fall. I like the looseness and spontaneity of those marks and am happy that I was able to incorporate it into this painting. Would love to do more of that in larger works. I recently purchased a hot box and so I am looking forward to exploring creating prints more this year. If you are interested in getting your own hot box, you can buy them from Paula Roland.
I have yet to sit down and write out my goals for 2014 for my art, but in general I want to incorporate more materials in my work. I am so drawn to textile art. I just have to finally really dive into it. I want to work more with metal too. My basic goals are always the same. Paint. Explore. Learn. Grow.
Ooh, you are going to have fun with your hot box. I played with one at Encausticamp. Happy New Year, Bridgette.
Happy new year to you too Kathie! I have been wanting one for several years now and the opportunity came to get one and so I did- hurrah!